Giving Heart, led by Amanda Cheng, organized a volunteer event at Operation Breakthrough.
Author: Amanda Cheng

On December 21st, 2016 we went to Operation Breakthrough for a volunteer event. We put on a short performance for the kindergarten and 1st graders, then brought extra props for the kids to play with. After we had finished with the kids, we went and toured the building and saw the many things that goes into helping it run. This was the first time Jasmine had connected on a personal level with the kids at Operation Breakthrough, and watching them experiment and dance with us was a very unique and meaningful experience. To all the volunteers, I cannot thank you enough. There will be another event similar to this in the spring and I hope even more of you can come experience this!
Thanks again to:
April Ma Ella Shan Jennifer Cheng Ariel Chang Audrey Che Rylie Zhang Serena Xiao Lily Jiang You all performed beautifully and none of this would have been possible without you. I really hope you all felt what I felt, it was truly eye-opening and I had a great time.
