Giving Heart performed at Overland Park Place, a local nursing home in Overland Park.
Author: Aleena Li

Happy Chinese New Year! We should share our celebration and happiness with the people around us. And that is exactly what some young members of the Jasmine Dance Group did. On January 30, 2014, the performers Aleena Li, Cindy Wang, Elaine Zhu, and Lillian Li presented a great Chinese New Year performance to the residents of Overland Park Place (nursing home). The graceful dances and the beautiful piano pieces made the residents and workers thunder with applause. All the elderly people were thrilled when they saw the colorful presentation. One lady in particular was very pleased about seeing the show.
“They are all very talented, and they should be proud of themselves.” She exclaimed.
The dancers were also very happy to share the exciting mood of the New Year.
“It made us feel good inside when we saw their faces after the show.” Said the team.
Overall, it was a lovely performance, and everyone loved it.