Author: Cindy Wang

The Jasmine Chinese Dance Group attended a cultural event at Blue Valley West High School on Friday, April 27, 2012. Angela Jiang, Elaine Zhu, Lucy Li, Gracie Crabtree, Elan Jiang, Anna Tang, Jet Patterson, and Cindy Wang all gave wonderful performances and impressed everyone. Elan Jiang performed a cute Han umbrella dance called “Rain in March,” Anna Tang and Jet Patterson performed a beautiful and elegant Han dance named “Jasmine,” and Angela Jiang, Elaine Zhu, Lucy Li, Gracie Crabtree, and Cindy Wang performed a festive and cheerful Yangko dance with colorful handkerchiefs, fans, and costumes. The audience was excited to experience Chinese culture through dances and applauded loudly for all three dances. Overall, the performance was a great success!